My lesson today on fire safety was a success. Not to toot my own horn or anything. The kids absolutely loved the centers and it was such a satisfying feeling to know that all of my hard work was worthwhile. The kids got to do a craft, play with fire trucks, hear a story, and even wear fire helmets (plastic ones of course).
For me, the highlight of the day was something that may seem rather simple to some people. At one of the centers, the kids had different fire related puzzles to put together. For some, this concept of putting together pieces to make a big picture was new and unfamiliar. To be able to show a child for the very first time how to put together a puzzle and then see the child understand and do it by themselves was monumental for me. My heart was overwhelmed with happiness throughout the entire day.
After working for the first half of the day, I went for milkshakes with one of my friends from Eastside, Lauren. What an inspiration she is to me. It was such a joy to get to know her better as we chatted and confided in one another. She is such a beautiful person both inside and out.
Tomorrow, I will deliver some of the toys and wall decorations to the under-resourced center in Wallmansthall. I will also teach the same lesson on fire safety that I did today.
Over the past few days, I’ve been quite saddened by the
realization that my time in South Africa is nearly over. As I ponder the
amazing friends that I have made and the work that I have been a part of, my heart
is heavy to know that I will soon return to reality in Virginia. Don’t get me
wrong, I sincerely miss my friends and family and I could not be more excited to
get my hands on my nephew. However, although I have family and friends to look forward to seeing at home, I have family and friends that I will soon leave behind here.
I have been dwelling lately on what is coming to an end rather that what is merely beginning.
For the past few days I have been in constant conflict
within myself. In the midst of the pity party that I have been throwing for
myself, I realized that I must focus on the positive rather than the negative. Just because I’m
leaving South Africa does not mean that my friendships will be destroyed or
fade away. Just because I’m going home does not mean that I will forget about
the love I have for the Reyburn’s and the extraordinary impact they have had on
me during the past 6 weeks. Just because I’m leaving South Africa does not mean that I will
never have the opportunity to come back.
Tonight, as I accompanied Lauren at her cell group (bible
study group), I was surrounded by genuine friends. As we spent time together
and shared LOTS of laughter, time stood still to me and I had clarity in my
despair. Although this small chapter of being in Africa is coming to an end, I
am hopeful for the next chapter and the chapters to come in the future. The
love I have for South Africa, Eastside and the many friends I have made while
here is a love that I will cherish and hold close to my heart forever.
So as I type through my tears tonight, I realize that I am
so ridiculously blessed. Not only did God bless me with the opportunity to come
to Africa, he blessed me with remarkable people to experience the journey with
So as these last 10 days pass by, I will rejoice in their occurrence rather than fret that they are over.
I will look forward to seeing my nephew crawl and celebrating his 1st birthday. I will look forward to hugging my mom, dad and my beautiful sister. I will look forward to being able to see all of my family members that are so eager for me to come home. I will look forward to thousands of slumber parties to make up for lost time with my friends. I will look forward to preaching to the congregation at my church and seeing my SS class. I will look forward to sweet tea and all my favorite American foods. I will look forward to driving my car on the RIGHT side of the road. I will look forward to my bed & Mr. Deer. I'll even look forward to going back to work and seeing all of my coworkers and my precious residents. Most importantly, I will look forward to what God has in store for me next.
This is not the end but merely the beginning of God's great plans for me.
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