Monday, June 23, 2014

Day #6

One week down, seven more to go....not that I'm counting or anything.

Today has been busy, busy, busy. I worked at the church for the majority of the day. We are putting together all the décor so that we can start decorating the church sometime during the week. Eastside goes all out for their Holiday Club. Here in Africa they do not buy their vacation bible school materials from a distributor like we do in the states. Here, they create everything themselves- the drama, lessons, crafts, props, music and all decorations by themselves.

This years theme is "Movie Makers" so stars, glitter, cameras and spot lights are everywhere. Today, I kid you not.. I probably painted close to 250 paper stars. This would be a huge accomplishment if I didn't have another 500 or so to go. By the way, I'm so sorry I didn't post any pictures last night but you will find them below this blog. However, I do have one funny story to share with you.

Friday night, the Reyburn's insisted on bringing me dinner to the church after they realized they were not feeding us there. To avoid any inconvenience and them having to travel to the church, I was persistent in telling them I was fine and I would just eat a little something when I got home. But of course, they wouldn't listen. So in the midst of Dalene telling me that they were on their way to the church I responded with "ya'll are a mess".

Come to find out, the Reyburn's had never heard this expression before and had no idea that it was a phrase used when joking with friends instead of an insult. "Thank goodness for google" she told me. Anyways, last night when I went out to dinner with the rest of the young adults from Eastside, I told them this same story in hopes that they would have heard the expression before. WRONG. They thought it was hilarious. So all last night and all day today they have walked around saying "Ya'll a mess" (like us hillbillies should automatically say the expression with bad grammar). It has literally had me in stiches all day.

I told them today that it's all fun and games until you say "ya'll are a hot mess" as that is rather insulting to some people.

I'll let you know if I finish the paper stars tomorrow.

Ya'll a mess


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